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Блог создан учителем английского языка Шпилевой Ириной Юрьевной для осуществления дистанционной поддержки при обучении английскому языку учащихся и их родителей

четверг, 1 апреля 2021 г.

Задание на пятницу 2 апреля

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A: He lives near his work so he's always in time.

If I live near my work, I'll be always in time too

 If I lived near my work, I'd always be in time too. (Stress the subjects.)

If I had lived near my work, I would have always been in time too


1.   She is nice and slim, so she looks marvellous in tight jeans.

2.   He has plenty of money, so he spends the winters abroad.

3.   He works overtime, so he earns a lot of money.

4.   His garden gets a lot of sun, so he can grow peaches.

5.   He can ski, so he goes skiing at Christmas.

6.   They use electric typewriters, so they finish early.

7.   She knows a film director, so she gets good parts.

8.   She gets two hours for lunch, so she goes to lunch-time concerts.

9.   Both Jack and his wife work, so they can afford expensive holidays. (if we ...)

10.He reads the newspapers carefully and always knows what's happening.

11.He runs round the park every morning, so he keeps very fit.

12.He travels first class, so he enjoys travelling.

13.Mrs Jones employs an au pair girl, so she can spend all day reading novels.

14.His alarm clock rings very loudly, so he always wakes up in time.

15.Her husband leaves the car at home, so she goes shopping in it.

16.They do their own decorating, so they save a lot of money. (if we ...)

17.He belongs to a club, so he meets a lot of people.

18.He meets a lot of people, so he makes a lot of friends.

19.She has everything she wants, so she is perfectly happy.

20.He understands electricity, so he does his own repairs.

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